Wu Wei

1 minute read

“the way never acts yet nothing is left undone” -dao de jing

We all are essentially the products of our environment and how our lives played out made us who were are today.I feel this is a big part of who were are as individuals - we all are unique as no two individuals had the same life experiences.

I feel Daoism is as close as we can get to explaining this. The way is a concept explained in the Dao De Jing , though explained in a vague way it talks about an invisible force or way that guides us and shapes our lives

“The dao that can be named is the eternal dao”

Daoism tells us the position the sails of our boat in the direction of the wind so that the wind takes us forward.

Some call it the art of laziness.

Though i have not come to fully understand the ways of the Dao De Jing i feel within it’s timeless ways there is something everyone can learn.

Thus, The Dao De Jing by lao Tzu is a must read !!